1. Eye Examination in Infants, Children, and Young Adults by Pediatricians
2. Bright Futures: http://brightfutures.aap.org/pdfs/BF3%20pocket%20guide_final.pdf; access verified 3/9/09.
3. American Academy of Family Physicians Recommendations for Clinical Preventive Services: Vision: http://www.aafp.org/online/en/home/clinical/exam/u-z.html; access verified 3/9/09.
4. American Optometric Association. The Need for Comprehensive Vision Examination of Preschool and School-age Children. http://www.aoa.org/x5419.xml; access verified 3/9/09.
5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for Visual Impairment in Children Younger than Age 5 Years. Release Date: May 2004. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/uspstf/uspsvsch.html; access verified 3/9/09.