D3/Penta 21 clinical trial design: A randomised non-inferiority trial with nested drug licensing substudy to assess dolutegravir and lamivudine fixed dose formulations for the maintenance of virological suppression in children with HIV-1 infection, aged 2 to 15 years


Turkova Anna,Chan Man K.,Kityo Cissy,Kekitiinwa Adeodata R.,Musoke Philippa,Violari Avy,Variava Ebrahim,Archary Moherndran,Cressey Tim R.,Chalermpantmetagul Suwalai,Sawasdichai Kanokkorn,Ounchanum Pradthana,Kanjanavanit Suparat,Srirojana Sakulrat,Srirompotong Ussanee,Welch Steven,Bamford Alasdair,Epalza Cristina,Fortuny Clàudia,Colbers Angela,Nastouli Eleni,Walker Simon,Carr Dan,Conway Magda,Spyer Moira J.,Parkar Nazia,White Iona,Nardone Alessandra,Thomason Margaret J.,Ferrand Rashida A.,Giaquinto Carlo,Ford Deborah


Elsevier BV

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