1. A. Wright, R.O. Osgood, D.J. Malcolm, Analysis of a two-Bladed, teetering-hub turbine using the ADAMS® Software, Presented at Windpower '94, Minneapolis, MN, May 9–13, 1994.
2. Users Guide to the Wind Turbine Dynamics Computer Programs YawDyn and AeroDyn for ADAMS;Hansen,1996
3. N.D. Kelley, Full-vector (3-D) inflow simulations in natural and wind farm environments using an expanded version of the SNLWind (Veers) turbulence code, Presented at the 12th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Houston, TX, 1993.
4. E. Muljadi, C.P. Butterfield, P. Migliore, Variable-speed operation of generators with rotor-speed feedback in wind power applications, Presented at the ASME Wind Energy Symposium 1996, Houston, TX, January 28–February 2, 1996.
5. E. Muljadi, K. Pierce, P. Migliore, Control strategy for variable-speed, stall-regulated wind turbines, Presented at the American Control Conference 1998, Philadelphia, PA, June 28–30, 1998.