1. R.J. Templin, An estimate of the interaction of windmills in widespread arrays, National Establishment laboratory, Technical Report LTR-LH 171, Ottawa Canada, 1974.
2. P.B.S. Lissaman, Energy effectiveness of arbitrary arrays of wind turbines. Proc. 17th Aerospace Science Meeting, New Orleans, 1979.
3. T. Faxén, A.-S. Smedman-Högström, U. Högström, The Meteorological Field Project at the Wind Energy Test Site Kalkugnen, Sweden. Report no. 51, Meteorologiska Institutionen Uppsala Universitet, 1978.
4. P.E.J. Vermeulen, Wind tunnel study of the wake of a horizontal axis wind turbine, TNO Report 78-09674, 1978.
5. P.J.H. Builtjes, Wind turbine wake effects, TNO-Report 79-08374, 1979.