1. Larman Craig., Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide. Addison-Wesley, (2004) p. 27.
2. Ambler Scott., Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and the Unified Process. John Wiley & Sons, (12 April 2002) pp. 12.
3. Boehm, B. R., Turner. Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed. Boston, MA: Wesley, (2004).
4. Sliger, M., Broderick, S., The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility. Addison-Wesley, (2008).
5. Rakitin, S.R., “Manifesto Elicits Cynicism: Reader’s letter to the editor by Steven R. Rakitin”, IEEE (2001).