1. Tsykl statei po matematicheskoi tekhnike [A cycle of papers on mathematical machinery] UMN 1 (5–6), 3–174 (1946).
2. N. E. Kobrinski, L. A. Lusternik, Matematicheskaya tekhnika (Vvedenie v tsykl) [Mathematical machinery (An introduction to the cycle)].
3. I. N. Yanzhul, Schetnye avtomaty i ikh primenenie k astronomicheskim vychisleniyam [Calculating automata and their use in astronomical computation].
4. V. M. Proshko, Pribory dlya opredeleniya kornei sistem lineinykh uravenenii [Instruments for finding roots of systems of linear equations].
5. V. Bush and S. Caldwell, Novyi differentsialnyi analizator [translation of A new type of differential analyzer, Franklin Inst. 240(4) (1945)].