1. S. P. Lynch and N. E. Ryan, Proc. Int. Cong. Hydrogen Met., 2nd, Paris (1977).
2. A. S. Tetelman and S. Kunz, Conf. Stress Corros. Crack. Hydrogen Embrittlement Iron-Base Alloys, Firminy, June 1973 (R. W. Staehle, J. Hochmann, R. D. McCright, J. E. Slater, eds.), p. 359. NACE, Houston 1977.
3. W. Frank and L. Graf, Conf. Surf. Effects Crystal Plasticity, Hohegeiss, Germany, September 1975 (R. M. Latanision and J. T. Fourie, eds.), p. 781. Noordhof-Leyden 1977.
4. Stress Corrosion Spectrum
5. F. P. Ford, Proc. Army Mat. Conf., 27th, Sagamore Hotel, Bolton Landing, New York (July 1980).