1. Attitude Dynamics of Satellites with Flexible Appendages- A Brief Review
2. V. LARSON, “A suboptimal stochastic controller for an N-body spacecraft”,presented at the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conf., Vail, Colorado, July 16–18, 1973; see also J. Spacecraft Rockets 11, (12), 858–859 (1974).
3. D. POELAERT, A. LIEGEOIS, and M. DUREIGNE, “Analysis and design of an attitude control system for nonrigid satellites”,presented at the Euromech 39 Colloquium on Gyrodynamics, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, September 3–5, 1973
4. Y. OHKAMI and P. LIKINS, “The influence of flexibility on spacecraft controllability and observability”,presented at the 6th Space Appl. Conf. Internat. Fed. Automatic Control, Tzakhadzor, USSR, August 1974; submitted for publication to Automatica
5. L.S. SMITH and E.H. KOPF, “The development and demonstration of hybrid programmable attitude control electronics”,presented at AGARD Conf. Real Time Computer Based Systems, Athens, Greece, May 27–31, 1974.