1. Some Formal Approaches to the Analysis of Kinetic Data in Terms of Linear Compartmental Systems
2. The Structure and Development of Old Field Shortleaf Pine Stands and Certain Associated Physical Properties of the Soil
3. Bledsoe, L. J. (1968). Compartment models and their use in the simulation of secondary succession, M.S. Thesis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colorado.
4. Bledsoe, L. J., and Olson, J. S. (1969). COMSYS1: a stepwise compartmental simulation program. Oak Ridge National Laboratory TM-2413, 50 pp.
5. Bledsoe, L. J., and Van Dyne, G. M. (1969). Evaluation of a digital computer method for analysis of compartmental models of ecological systems. Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. TM-2414.