1. Anon. 1974. An environmental assessment of Nanaimo port alternatives. Lands Directorate, Canada Dep. Environ. Pacific Region. 63 pp. + appendices.
2. Barraclough, W. E. and A. C. Phillips. 1978. Distribution of juvenile salmon in the southern Strait of Georgia during the period April to July 1966–1969. Canada, Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 826. 47 pp.
3. Birtwell, I. K. 1978. Studies on the relationship between juvenile chinook salmon and water quality in the industrialized estuary of the Somass River, pp. 58–78. In: B. G. Shepherd and R. M. Ginetz (eds.), Proceedings of the 1977 Northeast Pacific Chinook and Coho Salmon Workshop. Canada, Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 759. 164 pp.
4. Dorcey, A. H. J., T. G. Northcote and D. V. Ward. 1978. “Are the Fraser River Marshes Essential to Salmon?” Westwater Lectures No. 1. Westwater Institute, U. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 29 pp.
5. Fedorenko, A. Y., F. J. Fraser and D. T. Lightly. 1979. A limnological and salmonid resource study of Nitinat Lake: 1975–1977. Canada, Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rep. 839. 86 pp.