Computerized tomographic colonography: performance evaluation in a retrospective multicenter setting1 1Vital Images Inc. has supported research at UCLA (to D. S. K. L., J. A. B., and E. G. M.). Monex provided support (to M. M.). GE Medical Systems provided software license and research support (to C. D. J., J. A. B., and A. H. D.). Voxar, Inc. produces products that compete with products listed in this paper (to M. A. B.).The study design was approved by the National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program. Computerized tomographic colonography examinations for American College of Radiology Imaging Network Protocol A6656 were submitted by E. G. McFarland, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri; M. Zalis, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; C. D. Johnson, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; M. Macari, New York University, New York, New York; D. Lu, University of California, Los Angeles, California; A. H. Dachman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; M. Morrin, Beth Israel/Deaconess Hospitals, Boston, Massachusetts; and J. Yee, Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco, California. Workstations for performing computerized tomographic colonography interpretations were loaned to the American College of Radiology (ACR) by General Electric, Vital Images, and the Mayo Clinic. Each provided technical support for installation at the ACR. Computerized tomographic colonography examinations were removed and workstations returned after the study interpretations were completed.


Johnson C.Daniel,Toledano Alicia Y.,Herman Benjamin A.,Dachman Abraham H.,Mcfarland Elizabeth G.,Barish Matthew A.,Brink James A.,Ernst Randy D.,Fletcher Joel G.,Halvorsen Robert A.,Hara Amy K.,Hopper Kenneth D.,Koehler Robert E.,Lu David S.K.,Macari Michael,Maccarty Robert L.,Miller Frank H.,Morrin Martina,Paulson Erik K.,Yee Judy,Zalis Michael


Elsevier BV



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