1. Agustí-Cullell J., Esteva F., Garcia P., Godo L. (1990) ‘Formalizing Multiple-valuated Logics as Institutions’. Short version in Proceedings of Third International IPMU Conference, Paris, pp.355–357. Full version will appear in Lecture Notes on Computer Science in June 1991.
2. ‘On some logical connectives for Fuzzy Set Theory’;Alsina;Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,1983
3. ‘Summarizing and propagating uncertain information by triangular norms’;Bonissone;International Journal of aproximate reasoning,1987
4. ‘MILORD:The architecture and management of linguistically expressed uncertainty’;Godo;Int. Journal of Intelligent System,1989
5. Godo L., Meseguer P. (1991) ‘A constraint-based approach to generate finite truth-values algebras’. Research Report IIIA-CEAB 91/9.