1. Mesoscopic Fluctuations in the Ground State Energy of Disordered Quantum Dots
2. This is the so-called “constant interaction (CI) plus random matrix theory (RMT)” model of Ref.[1].
3. Quantum dot self-consistent electronic structure and the Coulomb blockade
4. S. Nagaraja, P. Matagne, V.Y. Thean, J.P. Leburton, Y.H. Kim, R.M. Martin, preprint.
5. Specifically:Vg∈[−1.0,−1.8]V, correspondinglyN∈̃[150,80]. Other gate voltages, clockwise from plunger,−1.0,−0.9 and−1.15V forFig. 1 curves (a) and (b),−1.0,−1.0,−1.05V, curve (c). All results here computed atT=0.1K.