1. K. Schwab, The fourth industrial revolution. Penguin UK, 2017.
2. E. Guizzo and E. Ackerman, The rise of the robot worker. IEEE Spectrum, 49(10), 2012, DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.2012.6309254.
3. Universal Robots: https://www.universal-robots.com [accessed 10 Jan 2017].
4. ACAT, Learning and Execution of Action Categories, EU project funded under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme grant no 600578. URL: http://www.acat-project.eu/(2013-2016) .
5. SAPHARI, Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction, EU project funded under the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme grant no 287513. URL: http://www.saphari.eu (2011-2015).