1. Abuse of Residents is a Major Problem in US Nursing Homes,2001
2. US Code of Federal Regulations: Title 42 Public Health (Part 483 Requirements for States and Long Term Care Facilities). Available at: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr. Accessed July 16, 2006.
3. FY 2004. Long-Term Care Ombudsman Report. Washington, DC: Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services. Available at: http://www.aoa.gov/prof/aoaprog/elder_rights/LTCombudsman. Accessed March 3, 2006.
4. New CMS Medical Director F-Tag 501, a long-awaited clarification, Caring for the Ages, American Medical Directors Association, Vol 6, Issue 6;Wilson,2005
5. The Role and Responsibilities of the Medical Director in the Nursing Home, Position Statement A06. Available at: www.amda.com/library/governance/resolutions/a06.cfm. Accessed January 16, 2007.