Dynapenia and Metabolic Health in Obese and Nonobese Adults Aged 70 Years and Older: The LIFE Study


Aubertin-Leheudre Mylène,Anton Stephen,Beavers Daniel P.,Manini Todd M.,Fielding Roger,Newman Ann,Church Tim,Kritchevsky Stephen B.,Conroy David,McDermott Mary M.,Botoseneanu Anda,Hauser Michelle E.,Pahor Marco,Gill Thomas,Fragoso Carlos,Fielding Roger,Hauser Michelle E.,Pahor Marco,Guralnik Jack M.,Leeuwenburgh Christiaan,Caudle Connie,Crump Lauren,Holmes Latonia,Lee Jocelyn,Lu Ching-ju,Miller Michael E.,Espeland Mark A.,Ambrosius Walter T.,Applegate William,Beavers Daniel P.,Byington Robert P.,Cook Delilah,Furberg Curt D.,Harvin Lea N.,Henkin Leora,Hepler Med John,Hsu Fang-Chi,Lovato Laura,Roberson Wesley,Rushing Julia,Rushing Scott,Stowe Cynthia L.,Walkup Michael P.,Hire Don,Rejeski W. Jack,Katula Jeffrey A.,Brubaker Peter H.,Mihalko Shannon L.,Jennings Janine M.,Hadley Evan C.,Romashkan Sergei,Patel Kushang V.,Bonds Denise,McDermott Mary M.,Spring Bonnie,Hauser Joshua,Kerwin Diana,Domanchuk Kathryn,Graff Rex,Rego Alvito,Church Timothy S.,Blair Steven N.,Myers Valerie H.,Monce Ron,Britt Nathan E.,Harris Melissa Nauta,McGucken Ami Parks,Rodarte Ruben,Millet Heidi K.,Tudor-Locke Catrine,Butitta Ben P.,Donatto Sheletta G.,Cocreham Shannon H.,King Abby C.,Castro Cynthia M.,Haskell William L.,Stafford Randall S.,Pruitt Leslie A.,Berra Kathy,Yank Veronica,Fielding Roger A.,Nelson Miriam E.,Folta Sara C.,Phillips Edward M.,Liu Christine K.,McDavitt Erica C.,Reid Kieran F.,Kirn Dylan R.,Pasha Evan P.,Kim Won S.,Beard Vince E.,Tsiroyannis Eleni X.,Hau Cynthia,Manini Todd M.,Pahor Marco,Anton Stephen D.,Nayfield Susan,Buford Thomas W.,Marsiske Michael,Sandesara Bhanuprasad D.,Knaggs Jeffrey D.,Lorow Megan S.,Marena William C.,Korytov Irina,Morris Holly L.,Fitch Margo,Singletary Floris F.,Causer Jackie,Radcliff Katie A.,Newman Anne B.,Studenski Stephanie A.,Goodpaster Bret H.,Glynn Nancy W.,Lopez Oscar,Nadkarni Neelesh K.,Williams Kathy,Newman Mark A.,Grove George,Bonk Janet T.,Rush Jennifer,Kost Piera,Ives Diane G.,Kritchevsky Stephen B.,Marsh Anthony P.,Brinkley Tina E.,Demons Jamehl S.,Sink Kaycee M.,Kennedy Kimberly,Shertzer-Skinner Rachel,Wrights Abbie,Fries Rose,Barr Deborah,Gill Thomas M.,Axtell Robert S.,Kashaf Susan S.,de Rekeneire Nathalie,McGloin Joanne M.,Wu Karen C.,Shepard Denise M.,Fennelly Barbara,Iannone Lynne P.,Mautner Raeleen,Barnett Theresa Sweeney,Halpin Sean N.,Brennan Matthew J.,Bugaj Julie A.,Zenoni Maria A.,Mignosa Bridget M.,Williamson Jeff,Sink Kaycee M.,Hendrie Hugh C.,Rapp Stephen R.,Verghese Joe,Woolard Nancy,Espeland Mark,Jennings Janine,Wilson Valerie K.,Pepine Carl J.,Ariet Mario,Handberg Eileen,Deluca Daniel,Hill James,Szady Anita,Chupp Geoffrey L.,Flynn Gail M.,Gill Thomas M.,Hankinson John L.,Vaz Fragoso Carlos A.,Groessl Erik J.,Kaplan Robert M.


Fond de Recherche du Québec en Santé

National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging Cooperative Agreement

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Aging, NIH

University of Florida

Wake Forest University

Tufts University

University of Pittsburgh

Yale University


Boston Rehabilitation Outcomes Center

National Institute on Aging

Career Development Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Training Program


Elsevier BV


Health Policy,General Medicine,General Nursing,Geriatrics and Gerontology

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