1. Olson J.: Check list, saves lives. St. Paul Pioneer Press, Feb. 16, 2006, pp. 1A, 10A.
2. National Quality Forum: Serious Reportable Events in Healthcare: A National Quality Forum Consensus Report, Mar. 22, 2002. http://www.qualityforum.org/neverteasaser.pdf (last accessed Oct. 4, 2006).
3. Minnesota Department of Health: Adverse Health Events in Minnesota. http://www.health.state.mn.us/patientsafety (last accessed Oct. 4, 2006).
4. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement: Pressure Ulcer Protocol, Jan. 2006. http://www.icsi.org/knowledge/detail.asp?catID=239&itemID=2408 (last accessed Oct. 4, 2006).
5. Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety: Principles for Reporting Health Care Associated Infection Data to the Public. http://www.mnpatientsafety.org/files/pdfs/reporting_principles.pdf (last accessed Oct. 5, 2006).