1. ISMP Medication Safety Alert, June 17, 2004, www.ismp.org/MSAarticles/tubingprint.htm
2. Nursing 2005, 35 (9), September 2005, pg. 73, by Melissa Eakle, R.N., MBA, MSN; Beverly Albrecht Gallauresi, R.N., B.S., MPH; and Audrey Morrison, R.N.
3. FDA Patient Safety News, Show #31, September 2004; Show #20, October 2003; Show #46, December 2005
4. Fatal Air Embolism Caused by the Misconnection of a Medical Device Hoses to Needleless Luer Ports on IV Administration Sets;Health Devices,2004
5. “Misconnected Flowmeter Leads to Two Deaths” [special report], ECRI, Health Devices Alerts, January 25, 2003