1. Directive 2010/45/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2010, on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation, L 207/14, Official Journal of the European Union.
2. Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation and the Communication From The Commission Action plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation (2009-2015): Strengthened Cooperation between Member States - Summary of the Impact Assessment - {COM(2008) 818} {COM(2008) 819} {SEC(2008) 2956}. Available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/registre/docs_autres_institutions/commission_europeenne/sec/2008/2957/COM_SEC(2008)2957_EN.pdf.
3. Project N° 20091103 under EU Health Programme 2008-2013-“Coordinating a European initiative among national organizations for organ transplantation (COORENOR).” Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/chafea/documents/health/conference_27-28_06_2013/COORENOR_-_Coordinating_a_European_initiative_on_Organ_Transplantation.pdf.
4. Joint Action N° 20122101 under EU Health Programme 2008-2013-“Facilitating exchange of organs donated in EU member states (FOEDUS).” Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/chafea/projects/database/database_new.inc.data.20122101.pdf.
5. Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells.