1. USEPA, National primary drinking water regulations: disinfectants and disinfection by-products rule: final rule, Fed. Reg. 63,241, 68390, December 16, 1998.
2. USEPA Method 502.2, Volatile organic compounds in water by purge and trap capillary column gas chromatography with photoionization and electrolytic conductivity detectors in series, USEPA, Cincinnati, OH, 1995.
3. USEPA Method 524.2, Measurement of purgeable organic compounds in water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, USEPA, Cincinnati, OH, 1995.
4. USEPA Method 551, Determination of chlorination disinfection by-products and chlorinated solvents in drinking water by liquid–liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron-capture detection, USEPA, Cincinnati, OH, 1995.
5. USEPA Method 551.1, determination of chlorination disinfection by-products, chlorinated solvents, and halogenated pesticides/herbicides in drinking water by liquid–liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron-capture detection, USEPA, Cincinnati, OH, 1998.