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2. Net Worth: Research with the Rural Women of Bangladesh;Bedford,1998
3. Bland, S., Griffiths, D., 1999. Lessons learned and issues relating to aquaculture and rural livelihoods — DFID Bangladesh. FAO/NACA Consultation on Sustainable Aquaculture for Rural Development, 29–31 March 1999, Chiang Rai, Thailand, pp. 8.
4. Commercial Vegetable and Polyculture Fish Production in Bangladesh: Their Impacts on Income, Household Resource Allocation and Nutrition, Vol. 1 Report, Vol. 2 Tables;Bouis,1998
5. Brummett, R.E., Haight, B., 1996. Research-development linkages. In: Martinez-Espinosa, M. (Compiler), Report of the Expert Consultation on Small Scale Rural Aquaculture. FAO Fisheries Report No. 548. FAO, Rome, Italy, pp. 145–169.