1. Dean, T. A. 1985, Concepts and Practice in Precision Forging, 7th Int. Congress Cold Forging, Birmingham 1985, p. 15-23
2. Consolidated Technical Report 1993 Tool Design Methodology for Precision Forging of Rotational Parts. Brite/EuRam Project 3594
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4. Doege, E., Bramley, A., Osman, F., Nägele, H. 1994, Performance of Preform Shapes in Bevel Gear Forging, to be published in the J. Mech. Eng., Part B.
5. Doege, E., Schliephake, U., Nägele, H. 1994, Aspects of Wear Prediction at Precision Forging, Submitted and accepted by the Mech. Engin. Publication for publ. in the Journal of Mech. Eng., Part B