1. Chryssolouris G., “Stock Removal by Laser Cutting”, U. S. Patent No. 4,625,093., November 25, 1986.
2. Chryssolouris, G., Bredt, J., Kordas, S., and Wilson, E., “Theoretical Aspects of a Laser Machine Tool”, ASME Winter Annual Meeting Proceedings, PED 20, Dec. 1986, pp. 177-190.
3. Chryssolouris, G. and Choi, W. C., “An Analysis of the Laser Grooving Process”, to be published.
4. Chryssolouris, G. and Choi, W. C., “Theoretical Aspects of Laser Grooving”, Proceedings, 14th Conference on Production Research and Technology, 1987, pp. 323-331.
5. Coherent, Inc., Engineering Staff, Lasers. Operation, Equipment. Application, and Design. 1980.