1. NASA, “Space Station 20th: historical Origins of the ISS,” web site. Accessed December 31, 2021 at https://www.nasa.gov/feature/space-station-20th-historical-origins-of-iss
2. Chelsea Goud, “Space station situation with Russian module misfire more serious than stated: report,” Space.com, August 2, 2021. Accessed at https://www.space.com/nauka-module-space-station-tilt-more-serious
3. Eric Berger, “The ISS had to maneuver yet again from Russian satellite debris,” Arstechnica, October 25, 2022. Accessed at https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/10/nearly-a-year-after-anti-satellite-test-the-iss-is-still-dodging-russian-debris/
4. NASA Office of the Inspector General, “ NASA's Management of the International Space Station and Efforts to Commercialize Low Earth Orbit,” Report No. IG-22-005, November 30, 2021. Accessed at https://www.nasa.gov/feature/space-station-20th-historical-origins-of-iss
5. As of December 2, 2021, There Have Been 245 Spacewalks Devoted to Assembly and Maintenance of the International Space Station totaling 1548 H and 26 Min,2021