1. Federal Aviation Administration, “Report to Congress: FAA Evaluation of Commercial Human Space Flight Safety Frameworks and Key Industry Indicators,” October 2016, p. 7. https://www.faa.gov/about/plans_reports/congress/media/CSLCA_Sec111_Report_to_Congress.pdf (accessed 7/25/2021)
2. “Human Spaceflight Safety: Regulatory Issues and Mitigating Concepts”;Koller,2020
3. Federal Aviation Administration, “New Regulations Govern Private Human Space Flight Requirements for Crew and Space Flight Participants,” Office of Commercial Space Transportation. March 27, 2020 https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/human_space_flight_reqs/ (accessed 3/2/2021).
4. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Register, Volume 71, No. 241, December 15, 2006, 14 CFR Parts 401, 415, 431, 435, 440 and 460, Human Space Flight Requirements for Crew and Space Flight Participants, Final Rule, Section 7, Crew Notifications, pg. 75622. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2006-12-15/pdf/E6-21193.pdf (accessed 7/25/2021)
5. Spooky Apollo: Apollo 8 and the CIA;Day,2018