1. Riverius, L.: 421st Observation in Opera Medica Universa, Jvannis-Antonii Huguetan and Soc., Lugduni, 1679, p. 539.
2. Sepulchretum Sive Anatomia Practica etc.;Rayger,1679
3. Cowper, W.: Of Ossifications or Petrifactions in the Coats of Arteries Particularly in the Valves of the Great Artery in Major, R. H.: Classic Description of Disease, ed. 3, Springfield, Ill., Charles C Thomas, Publisher, p. 340.
4. Vieussens, R., Ibid, p. 345.
5. Morgagni, John Baptist: De Sedibus et Causis Morbarum per Anatomen Indagatio, Libre Quinque, 1761 (Translated by Benjamin Alexander, M.D., 1769).