1. G.V. Dedkov, in: S.S. Eskildsen, D.S. Larsen, H. Reitz, E.L. Bienk, C.A. Straede (Eds.), Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Tribology, Vol. 1, Aarhus, Denmark, 1998, p. 47 (in Ref. [17] of this paper one should correctly cite Ref. [10] of the given reference list instead of the one mentioned there).
2. Friction on the nanoscale: new physical mechanisms
3. G.V. Dedkov, Wear, 1999, in press.
4. Molecular Origins of Friction: The Force on Adsorbed Layers
5. Experimental observation of interfacial slippage at the boundary of molecularly thin films with gold substrates