1. BS 4262:1984 Method of specifying the technical quality of coke for use in blast furnace; 1984. p. 16.
2. ASTM D5341/D5341M-17a. In: Standard Test Method for Measuring Coke Reactivity Index (CRI) and Coke Strength After Reaction (CSR).
3. AS 1038.13-1990. In: Section 3: Determination of coke reactivity index and coke strength after reaction. 2013;201:29.
4. ISO_18894-2018_2. In: Coke – Determination of coke reactivity index (CRI) and coke strength after reaction (CSR); 2018, ISO. p. 25.
5. British Carbonization Research Association C., U.S.N.T.I. Service. The Evaluation of the Nippon Steel Corporation Reactivity and Post-reaction-strength Test for Coke; 1980.