1. Transient Fuel Pin Behaviour up to Failure in the CABRI-1 experiments R. Cameron (AEA Tech), F. Daguzan (CEA/SEMAR), W. Pfrang (KfK), I. Sato (PNC),1990
2. The Fission Product Behaviour in CABRI-1 Experiments F. Daguzan-Lemoine, M. Balourdet, F. Schmitz (CEA), H. Steiner (KfK) - Same meeting
3. Phenomena Related to Fuel Melting in CABRI Experiments M. Boidron, F. Boussard, F. Schmitz (CEA), H. Kleyamp (KfK), R. Paris (UKAEA) Same meeting
4. Interpretation of Mechanical Energy Releases Deduced from Post-Failure Sodium Expulsions Observed in CABRI-1 Experiments D. Struwe (KfK), J. Wolff (FRG) - Same meeting
5. Transient Material Behaviour in CABRI-1 Experiment Failure Under Fully and Semi-Restrained Fuel Pin Conditions M. Cranga (CEA), D. Struwe, W. Pfrang (KfK), D. Brear (UKAEA), N. Nonaka(PNC) Same meeting