1. DNV, 2011a. Assessment of Freight Train Derailment Risk Reduction measures Part B Final Report. Report for European Railway Agency. Report No: BA000777/09, 20 October.
2. DNV, 2011b. Assessment of Freight Train Derailment Risk Reduction measures A1 – Existing Measures. Report for European Railway Agency. Report No: BA000777/02, 18 April.
3. D-RAIL, 2012a. Rail Freight Forecast to 2050. D-RAIL – Development of the Future Rail Freight System to Reduce the Occurrences and Impact of Derailment. Deliverable D2.1, Final version, 31 July.
4. D-RAIL, 2012b. Report on Derailment Economic Impact Assessment. D-RAIL – Development of the Future Rail Freight System to Reduce the Occurrences and Impact of Derailment. Deliverable D1.2, Final Version, 30 November.
5. D-RAIL, 2013. Future Rolling Stock Breakdown to 2050. D-RAIL – Development of the Future Rail Freight System to Reduce the Occurrences and Impact of Derailment. Deliverable D2.1, Final Version, 25 March.