1. The microrheology of colloidal dispersions
2. Heterocoagulation in shear flow
3. N.N. Rulev, (N.N. Rulyov), V.R. Ryaschenko, Khimiya i Tekhnologia Vody 11 (1989) 695 (Engl. trans. by Allerton Press, pp. 30–32).
4. N.N. Rulev, (N.N. Rulyov), S.V. Karas, Khimiya i Tekhnologia Vody 12 (1990) 887 (Engl. trans. by Allerton Press, pp. 28–32).
5. N.N. Rulev (N.N. Rulyov), Khimiya i Tekhnologia Vody 11 (1989) 195 (Engl. trans. by Allerton Press, pp. 1–27).