1. EWTS bulletin, a sixmonthly newsletter of the European Wind Turbine Standards (EWTS) project, published by ECN-Renewable Energy, Petten, the Netherlands, see also:http://www.awea.org/tech/ewts/index.html.
2. Home Power magazine, regularly publishes articles on small wind energy systems, PO Box 520, Ashland, OR 97520 USA, tel.: +1-541-512-0201, fax: +1-530-475-0836, e-mail: hp@homepower.com, http://www.homepower.com.
3. IEA Wind Energy Annual Report, published by International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris, France.
4. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, technical journal on wind effects, published since 1975, ISSN: 0167-6105, Elsevier Science.
5. Renewable Energy, the official journal of WREN—The World Renewable Energy Network, published since 1985, ISSN: 0960-1481, Elsevier Science.