1. Acyl Sulfonamide Anti-Proliferatives: Benzene Substituent Structure−Activity Relationships for a Novel Class of Antitumor Agents
2. Daylight CLOGP v. 4.72; Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.: Mission Viejo, CA
3. 6-Bromobenzothiophene: Briner, K.; Burkholder, T. P.; Conway, R. G.; Cunningham, B. E.; Finley, D. R.; Heinz, L. J.; Jesudason, C. D.; Kohlman, D. T.; Liang, S. X.; Xu, Y.-c. PCT Int. Appl. WO 2001 09126 A1, 2001; Chem. Abstr. 2001, 134, 162912
4. 6- and 7-Bromobenzofuran: Briner, K.; Burkhart, J. P.; Burkholder, T. P.; Cunningham, B. E.; Fisher, M. J.; Gritton, W. H.; Jesudason, C. D.; Miller, S. C.; Mullaney, J. T.; Reinhard, M. R.; Rothhaar, R. R.; Stevens, F. C.; Winneroski, L. L., Jr.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Y.-c. PCT Int. Appl. WO 2001 09122 A2, 2001; Chem. Abstr. 2001, 134, 162921
5. Preparation and Cyclization of Aryloxyacetaldehyde Acetals; A General Synthesis of 2,3-Unsubstituted Benzofurans