1. Schneider, W., & Eberts, R. Consistency at multiple levels in sequential motor output processing. (Tech. Rep. 80-04). Champaign, Il.: University of Illinois, Human Attention Research Laboratory, 1980.
2. Schneider, W., & Fisk, A. D. Visual search improves with detection searches declines with nondetection search. (Tech. Rep. 8004). Champaign, Il.: University of Illinois, Human Attention Research Laboratory, February 1980.
3. Fisk, A. D., & Schneider, W. Consistent attending versus consistent responding to visual search: Task versus component consistency in automatic processing development. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1982.
4. Schneider, W., & Fisk, A. D. Developing automatic search to a category and its transfer to nontrained examples. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1982.
5. Schneider, W., & Fisk, A. D. Context dependent automatic processing. (Tech. ReD. 8009). Chamaim. 11.: University of Illinois, Human Attention'Research Laboratory, 1980.