1. Jeary, A. P. and Sparks, P. R., “Some Observations on the Dynamic Sway Characteristics of Concrete Structures.” Pro. ACI Symp. on the Vibr. of Cone. Str., New Orleans 1977. Also BRE Current Paper CP7/78.
2. Reinhold, T. A., “Measurement of Simultaneous Fluctuating Loads at Multiple Levels on a Model of a Tall Building in a Simulated Urban Boundary Layer.” Ph.D. Thesis, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, Va., November 1977.
3. Reinhold, T. A., Tieleman, H. W. and Maher, F. J., “Wind Tunnel Simulation of Urban Winds for the Study of Tall Buildings,” Report No. VPI-E-77–12, College of Engineering, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, Va., April 1977.
4. Rosati, P. A., “The Response of a Square Prism to Wind Load,” Report BLWT-II-68. The Univ. of W. Ontario, London, March 1968.
5. Simiu, E., “Revised Proc. for Estimating Along-Wind Resp.,” to be offered for pub. to ASCE; modif. of method in “Equiv. Static Wind Loads for Tall Bldg. Design” by E. Simiu. J. Str. Div. ASCE Vol. 102, No. ST4, April 1970, pp. 719–737.