1. T. F. JOHNS. AEEW-R408 (1964).
2. G. PORTAL. Bague dosimetre au fluorure de lithium thermoluminescent. Presented at Congress International sur la Radioprotection dans l'Utilisation Industrielle des Radioelements, Paris, 1965.
3. B. E. BJÄRNGARD, R. C. MCCALL and I. A. BERSTEIN. Lithium fluoride-Teflon thermoluminescence dosimeters. Proc. Int. Conf. Luminescence Dosimetry, p. 308, USAEC CONF-650637 (1967).
4. R. C. FIX and R. C. MCCALL. A sensitive LiF dosimeter for routine beta and gamma personnel monitoring. Presented at Health Physics Society-Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, 1964.
5. V. SVARCER and J. F. FOWLER. Spurious thermoluminescence and tribothermoluminescence in lithium fluoride dosimetry powder. Proc. Int. Conf. Luminescence Dosimetry, p. 227, USAEC CONF-650637 (1967).