1. Cook, E.G. and Valkenburg, H.E. (1954) “Surface Waves at Ultrasonic Frequencies,” ASTM Bulletin No. 3.
2. Cooke, J.B. (1971) “Earthquake Risk - Savannah Bedrock Storage Project,” Consulting Report to The Savannah River Project.
3. Cundall, P.A. (1974) Rational Design of Tunnel Supports, Interim Report DACW 45–79-6–0066 or Univ. of Minnesota TR, MRD-2–74.
4. Cundall, P.A. (1971) “A Computer Model for Simulating Progressive, Large Scale Movements in Rock Masses. Symp. of Int. Rock Mech. Soc., Nancy, France.
5. Dowding, C.H. and Rozen, A. (1977) “Damage to Rock Tunnels from Earthquake Shaking,” Journal Geotechnical Division, ASCE (submitted for publication).