1. Water damage in glass fibre/resin composites
2. NORWOOD, L.S. and FAIRBROTHER, T., Symposium on Reinforced Plastics in Anti-Corrosion Applications, Paper No.8, N.E.L., East Kilbride, 1979.
3. Water damage in polyester glass laminates. Part I: An apparatus for the study of water damage in uniaxially stressed materials
4. BARKER, H.A., BAIRD-SMITH, I.G. and JONES, F., Symposium on Reinforced Plastics in Anti-Corrosion Applications, Paper No.12, N.E.L., East Kilbride, 1979.
5. ROBERTS, R.C., Reinforced Plastics Congress, British Plastics Federation, Paper No.19, Brighton, 1978.