1. Chauvin, Yves (1988) Symbol acquisition in humans and neural (PDP) networks. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego.
2. Cottrell, G. (1987) Toward connectionist semantics. Invited paper in Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing-3: Position Papers, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Reprinted by LEA (1989).
3. Cottrell, G.W. & Fleming, M.K. (1990) Face recognition using unsupervised feature extraction (1990) In Proceedings of the International Neural Network Conference. Paris, France.
4. Cottrell, G. & J. Metcalfe (to appear) EMPATH: Face, emotion & gender recognition using holons. In Advances in Neural Information Processing, D. Touretzky, (Ed.), San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann.
5. Cottrell, G.W. and Munro, P. (1988) Principal components analysis of images via back propagation. Invited paper in Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Cambridge, MA.