1. L.H. Johnson, D.W. Shoesmith, Spent Fuel, in: W. Lutze, R.C. Ewing (Eds.), Radioactive Waste Forms for the Future, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988, p. 635.
2. B. Grambow, Used Fuel Dissolution and Oxidation, An Evaluation of Literature Data, SKB Technical Report, SKB 89-13, 1989.
3. H. Christensen, R.S. Forsyth, R. Lundqwist, L.O. Werme, Radiation-Induced Dissolution of UO2, Studsvik Report, NS-90/85, Studsvik Nuclear, Nykoping, Sweden, 1990.
4. S. Sunder, D.W. Shoesmith, Chemistry of UO2 Fuel Dissolution in Relation to the Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-10395, 1991.1Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, available through SDDO, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada K0J 1J0.1
5. D.W. Shoesmith, S. Sunder, An Electrochemistry-Based Model for the Dissolution of UO2, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-10488, 1991.