1. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Reassessment of the Technical Bases for Estimating Source Terms,” NUREG-0956, Washington, DC, 1986
2. J.A. Gieseke et al., Source Term Code Package, NUREG/CR-4587, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, 1986
3. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Power Plant Severe Accident Research Plan. NUREG-0900, Rev. 1, 1986.
4. T.J. Heames et al., VICTORIA Code Manual, NUREG/CR-5545, Rev. 1, Sandia National Laboratories, 1992
5. B.E. Boyack, V.K. Dhir, J.A. Gieseke, T.J. Haste, M.A. Kenton, M. Khatib-Rahbar, M.T. Leonard, R. Viskanta, MELCOR Peer Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-12240, March 1992