1. Theoretical Physics in the Metallurgical Laboratory of Chicago
2. Neutron Irradiation Effects in Cu and Al at 80°K
3. Radiation hardening of copper single crystals
4. M.J. Makin, in: W.F. Sheely (Ed.), Radiation Effects, AIME, vol. 37, 1966, p. 627, Metallurgical Soc. Conf., Asheville, N.C., September 1965, Gordon and Breach, Inc., New York
5. J. Diehl, in: A. Seeger, D. Schumacher, W. Schilling, J. Diehl, (Eds.), Vacancies and Interstitials in Metals, Proc. Int. Conf. KFA Jüich, 1968, North Holland Amsterdam, 1969, p. 739