1. Diesel Fuel Analysis by GC−FIMS: Aromatics, n-Paraffins, and Isoparaffins
2. W.J. Pitz, N.P. Cernansky, F.L. Dryer, F.N. Egolfopoulos, J.T. Farrell, D.G. Friend, H. Pitsch, Development of an Experimental Database and Chemical Kinetic Models for Surrogate Gasoline Fuels, Report No. 2007-01-0175, SAE, International, 2007.
3. J.T. Farrell, N.P. Cernansky, F.L. Dryer, D.G. Friend, C.A. Hergart, C.K. Law, R.M. McDavid, C.J. Mueller, A.K. Patel, H. Pitsch, Development of an Experimental Database and Kinetic Models for Surrogate Diesel Fuels, Report No. 2007-01-0201, SAE, International, 2007.
4. M.B. Colket, J.T. Edwards, S. Williams, N.P. Cernansky, D.L. Miller, F.N. Egolfopoulos, P. Lindstedt, K. Seshadri, F.L. Dryer, C.K. Law, D.G. Friend, D.B. Lenhert, H. Pitsch, A. Sarofim, M.D. Smooke, W. Tsang, Development of an Experimental Database and Kinetic Models for Surrogate Jet Fuels, in: 45th AIAA Aerosp. Sci. Meet., American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007.
5. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of combustion of gasoline, its surrogates and components in laminar non-premixed flows