1. Azar Y., J. Boyar, L. Epstein, L. M. Favrholdt, K. S. Larsen and M. N. Nielsen, Fair versus Unrestricted Bin Packing, Technical Report PP-2000-20, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense (2000), preliminary version at SWAT 2000. URL ftp://ftp.imada.sdu.dk/pub/papers/pp-2000/20.ps.gz
2. Bach E., J. Boyar, L. Epstein, L. M. Favrholdt, T. Jiang, K. S. Larsen, G.-H. Lin and R. van Stee, Tight Bounds on the Competitive Ratio on Accommodating Sequences for the Seat Reservation Problem, Technical Report PP-2000-16, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense (2000), preliminary version at COCOON 2000. URL ftp://ftp.imada.sdu.dk/pub/papers/pp-2000/16.ps.gz
3. Boyar J., L. M. Favrholdt, K. S. Larsen and M. N. Nielsen, Extending the Accommodating function (2001), submitted.
4. The Seat Reservation Problem;Boyar;Algorithmica,1999
5. Boyar J., K. S. Larsen and M. N. Nielsen, The Accommodating Function — a generalization of the competitive ratio, in: Sixth International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1663 (1999), pp. 74–79, to appear in SICOMP.