1. Immobilisation of high level nuclear reactor wastes in SYNROC
2. B.B. Ebbinghaus, R.A. VanKonynenburg, F.J. Ryerson, E.R. Vance, M.W.A. Stewart, A. Jostsons, J.S. Allender, T. Rankin, J. Congdon, Ceramic formulation for the immobilization of plutonium, Waste Management ’98 (CD-ROM), Tucson, AZ, USA, March 5, 1998.
3. E.R. Vance, M.W.A. Stewart, R.A. Day, K.P. Hart, M.J. Hambley, A. Brownscombe, pyrochlore-rich titanate ceramics for incorporation of plutonium, uranium and process chemicals, ANSTO Report, 1997.