1. P. Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture. (Unabridged and unaltered re-publication of the 1st English Translation (1914), Dover, New York, NY, USA, 1960.
2. Proceedings of the 1st International RILEM/ASTM/CIB Symposium (Philadelphia) on The Performance Concept in Building, B.E. Foster (Ed.), NBS Special Publication No. 361, US Gov. Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA, 1972 .
3. CIB Publication 64, Working with the Performance Approach in Building, International Council for Building Studies and Documentation, CIB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1982.
4. CIB Publication 157, Some Examples of the Application of the Performance Concept in Building, International Council for Building Studies and Documentation, CIB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1993.
5. Proceedings of the 2nd International ASTM/CIB/RILEM Symposium, Performance Concept in Building, LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal, 1982.