1. Wyatt A, Baldwin S. Wind energy activities in Africa. A report by Volunteers in Technical Assistance (ViTA), 1815 North Lynn Street, Suite 200, Arlington, Virginia 22209, U.S.A., 1982. p. 56.
2. Reichel R. Rural electrification and wind power in Tanzania. M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis. University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 1978.
3. Parks ME, van De Lark FJM. Wind power installations for water pumping in developing countries. A paper presented in the International symposium on wind energy systems. Cambridge, September 7–9, 1976.
4. Kitutu S, Stanley R. Arusha Appropriate Technology Project. Quarterly Report, January 1st to 31st March, 1978.
5. Kitutu S, Stanley R. Annual report 1977–1978. Arusha Appropriate Technology Project, 1978.