1. The first reference to this approach as a general method of combustion was apparently R. K. Lyon, Preprints ACS Fuels Division, Spring 1993 Meeting; also see U.S. Patents 5,339,754 and 5,509,362. Prior to this reference, however, Richter et al. [ACS Symp. Ser. 235:71–86 (1983)] and Ishida et al. [Energy 12:147–154 (1987) proposed schemes in which the cyclic oxidation and reduction of a metal oxide might be used to improve heat engine efficiency.
2. Mechanisms Governing Transients from the Batch Incineration of Liquid Wastes in Rotary Kilns
3. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 5, 4th ed., pp. 48–50J.
4. Combustion of Methane in a Cyclic Catalytic Reactor
5. Catalytic Science and Technology, Vol. 4;Rostum-Nielsen,1996