1. Becker, H.A., 1969a. Opvolging van managers, simulatie van enkele ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse managers-groepering tussen 1960 en 1980. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague (with an English summary)
2. Becker, H.A., 1969b. Managerial careers. In: Sociologia Neerlandica, vol. V (1). Reprinted in: International Studies of Management and Organizations, vol. V (4), 1975/1976, pp. 29–42. Reprinted: Managerial Careers in The Netherlands. In: Boddewyn, J.J. (Ed.), European Industrial Managers, West and East. Int. Arts and Sciences Press, White Plains, 1976, pp. 237–250
3. Becker, H.A., 1969c. Simulatie en Sociologie (Oratie). Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage
4. Observation by informants in institutional research;Becker;Quality and Quantity,1972
5. Becker, H.A., 1972b. Some examples of simulation and gaming in The Netherlands. In: Becker, H.A., Goudappel, H.M. (Eds.), Development in Simulation and Gaming. Boom, Meppel