1. Kodväxling som resurs i samspel—maktkamp och kodväxling i ett turkiskt-danskt tvåspråkigt samtal. (Code-switching as an interactional resource—power struggle and code-switching in a Turkish-Danish bilingual conversation);Aarsæther,2004
2. Bilingual Conversation;Auer,1984
3. The pragmatics of code-switching: a sequential approach;Auer,1995
4. Björk-Willén, Polly, in press. Multilingual preschool routines and interactional trouble—How preschool children participate in multilingual education.
5. Björk-Willén, Polly, 2006. Lära och leka med flera språk. Socialt samspel i flerspråkig förskola. (Learning and playing in several languages. Social interaction in a multilingual preschool.) Linköping Studies in Arts and Science No. 376. Department of Child Studies, Linköping University (Diss.).